Not really. Because “they” is quite unprecise here. It’s the same thing when policits are saying “people want this, people want that”. But people is composed by so many individuals and opinions that you can never say that “they want” something. I guess you can have a majority on some topics but if you’re not changing the way we vote currently I’m pretty sure we’ll never be able to have a 100% positive opinion on something.
If you are a politician and don’t understand why your people are protesting, you need to just step down from your job because you’re very very bad at it.
But that’s not what’s happening. What’s happening is a fight for control. The people vs. the government.
I don’t agree with you, and I believe that this way of thinking is currently making a lot of bad things happen around the world. I hope one day you’ll change your point of view and instead of trying to have people confront you’ll hope they may work together.
I believe you may be a Russian disinformation bot so, agree to disagree I suppose
Like Russia and Ukraine are working together, vatnik?
Actually yes. I believe it would have been better to discuss instead of having a violent assaut from Russia.
But if you prefer War it’s your choice.