How many of them work?
Based on research, the most effective are the ones that don’t devolve into riots…
That’s a very loaded question. All of them can work under the right circumstances.
Yeah, this is a very important point. The best way to lose support for your cause is to destroy property of those you want support from. It’s why support from BLM dropped so severely.
BLM wasn’t even doing the rioting, but they did nothing to ensure those who used their cause to riot/destroy property were snuffed out. If you come to my home or buisness and destroy my shit, or stand by while others drive in with you and destroy my shit, I’m not supporting your cause.
If people’s property are instead protected, and the violence/destruction is focused towards those who are oppressing them, they’d have way more support and things would get done.
we only talk about them when they burn stuff
Did I say not to burn stuff? Or did I say to burn other stuff?
This time, someone filmed this, and it countered what the cops were saying
I have no context for this but how did riots help them to film?