Example, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
I hate this for the obvious reasons but it’s especially annoying to me because my wife didn’t take my surname!
“Mrs. [Husbands firstname lastname]” is a pretty dated form of address. I feel like I don’t see that a lot anymore. Except in very formal situations and from people who don’t realize it’s out of style. It’s also seems to have become more acceptable to refer to all women as “Miss/Ms.” Regardless of her martial status. I sincerely doubt the address mistake was meant to be offensive.
One thing I do find infuriating is the fact that it in numerous states in the US, it is much harder for a man to take his wife’s last name when getting married than the other way around. A woman can mail a form and a copy of her marriage license to the Social Security Administration and get the DMV to reissue her driver’s license. That’s all it takes.
A man often has to get a court order which I think is very discriminatory.
Does the court order only need to be aquired if a man wants to take his wife’s surname? What if a man just decides to change his surname to something else? What if that just so happens to be his wife’s surname?
That depends on the state but at least in my state it requires a court order for both situations.
Damn that is silly. Where I live you just go to the local municipality or similar and request it done.
Don’t fight tradition
- Social security administration
I personally think there is something to be said for sticking to the old ways but its your call.
I agree with you.
Traditions take time to evolve; and also to dissolve.