How can I use Whatsapp video call on Linux?
I tried Whatsapp-for-Linux and Whatsie but they didn’t work.
Thank you, I like Jitsi but it is not always under my control. My supervisor sometimes calls me on Whatsapp and there is nothing I can do.
You could mirror your android phone using scrcpy but I never used it.
There is a Qt version for it on Linux
Is it scrcpy?
Yes, that was it
Tell your supervisor WhatsApp doesn’t work on your computer and suggest any of the several dozen alternatives.
Good plan, and don’t mention that you use Linux. Just leave it nebulous so they don’t think they can “voluntell” you to install Windows instead.
My supervisor was an FOSS guy. He used Linux, Libreoffice everything but he still insisted on whatsapp for informal communication. I guess network effects is hard to avoid.