… a prequel series inspired by the novel Sisterhood of Dune, written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anders…
Yeah, I’m out.
Inspired by is not the same as based on. I don’t think that it can ever be canonical because the time period was never explored in depth by Frank Herbert himself, but I do think that the what ifs of this time period could make for a very interesting premise.
Either way, the showrunner is apparently Alison Schapker, who was also the primary showrunner for Altered Carbon, which I really liked. So I’m definitely going to give the first episode a chance :)
the showrunner is apparently Alison Schapker, who was also the primary showrunner for Altered Carbon
Unfortunately for the second season.
I’m not quibbling about what is and isn’t canon, KJA is just a truly unmitigated awful writer.
If your source material is a steaming pile of horse manure then “inspired by” or “based on” is still going to smell bad.