please post any subsequent updates here unless they’re huge happenings. i just woke up and half our news front page is updates which is nice but also A Lot and most of these don’t have to be their own thread
Without opposition, that’s a day of travel.
Yeah if they just pickup Russian soldiers on the way without any trouble, it’ll be very fast
They’ve already taken Voronezh as well, some 500km from Moscow and have been reported to be advancing through the Lipetsk province, 350km south of Moscow.
There are reports of gunfire at half-way between Rostov and Moscow already. But yeah, I don’t think they will manage to reach close to Moscow within a day
Nobody in their way to stop them, Russian’s army is in Ukraine. If they continue like this Moscow will be put under siege by tomorrow.
I see reports of them arriving at Lipetsk (430km from Moscow) just now, after conquering Voronezj (500km from Moscow) about 6 hours ago.